A Cathrach Neobh,
Fear agus bean,
A dheanadh nan ōisnean.
Mallaich dha na beana bur-shuileach,
Mallaich dha na feara fur-shuileach,
Mallaich dha na ceithir saighde, guineach, guid,
Dh’ fhaodadh a bhi ’n aorabh duine ’s bruid.
THERE came two out
From the City of Heaven,
A man and a woman,
To make the 'ōisnean.'
Curses on the blear-eyed women,
Curses on the sharp-eyed men,
Curses on the four venomous arrows of disease,
That may be in the constitution of man and beast
texte sacré celte